I love a lot things. Two specifically being a New Year and some self-reflection.
Let's start with the reflection!
I wrote a couple of intentions going into 2020. Let's take a look at what those included and how they panned out:
Spiritual Growth - Primarily through being intentional with my time each day. Last year we started to attend Church again, and I want to open up to be willing to grow relationships and friendships within our church this year.
We did get connected with a small group at the Church we were attending, but 2020 was an interesting year. My husband and I grew up attending church; during this year, we had some honest conversations on how the Church impacted us. We also had conversations about the role the Church has come to occupy in US society. We actively made the decision this year to stop attending. I am not going to get into listing the reasons we made our decision but not attending a Church was a small source of shame for me for the later half of the year. So I guess all this is to say, I grew spiritually in 2020, it just looked vastly different from what I thought it would.
More Yoga - Just continue to be more consistent during my tax busy seasons. Last year when there were gaps in my practice, it was often during and after heavy work seasons.
Yeah, 2020 was pretty spotty with my practice. I definitely didn't yoga as much as 2019 but did sporadically continue a loose practice throughout the year.
More Sewing - I completed a couple of projects last year. There were a few times I felt intimidated by projects, and I would put them on hold from fear of failure. Each one came out so much better than I expected, but there is still so much room for growth. Last year, even though it wasn't an intention, I focused on being more conscientious about spending money and what I brought into my life. Sewing allows me to create specific pieces for my closet.
I did a few small projects, but didn't really feel up to doing a lot of sewing for a good bit of year.
Time for Creativity - Regardless of the form it takes.
I would say I came through on this one. Last year I made things and it was fun.
If I am honest with myself, I have two options in how I frame the year:
Option 1: The little running list of "should's". Often I internalize them as ways I have come short. In recent months, I have come to recognize these as a "negative thought pattern" I gravitate to the most. When I take a step back, I realize these are demands I am putting on myself, and they actually aren't coming from anyone else. They are also focused on performance or pressure I feel from others. I can't even tell you who these "others" are in these narratives!
I should have done more sewing and written about it.
I should have posted more on my Instagram.
I should be doing monthly shop updates.
Option 2: Sarah, you have come so far!
Hot damn! I started a blog and posted a couple times throughout the year and I actually really like this little space a lot! I shared more of myself than I ever thought I would have the capacity to do! I actually find it pretty fun to go back and look through my posts during the year and my Insta feed. I think I do my best work when I'm just enjoying the process.
I am really excited to continue to build out my creative corner of the inter-web. I actually launched a web shop during the year. Wow that was scary, but a new space to creatively explore.
I would say I have a new perspective on how I integrate my work and personal life. I also have a new mindset to how I feel things, how I view my thoughts, and extending compassion to myself.
Yeah, I'll be going with Option 2 on this one. The. Goal. Is. Progress. and I see that in me.
Now let's get to chatting about the New Year!
In 2021 I want to fill my year with more of the following:
Continue to make art.
More time in nature.
Investing in relationships.
Consistent movement - dog walks, yoga, hiking, dancing.
My 2021 intentions are shorter than my 2020 list but leave more space for how I might follow through with them.
Happy 2021!